Sunday, December 16, 2012

In God's Time

Growing up as the eldest of 5 kids in the family, my parents would always tell me that "I was the luckiest". Indeed, I am and somehow people knows me as "The Brat" (very impatient)

As a child, I recall how my dad and I would always sing "Somewhere Out There" by Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram... there was even a betamax (back in the 80's) copy of it to which my dad kept. That song, always reminded me how my dad wanted to see me one day with my God-given Prince.

The thought of growing up scares me, but nevertheless it became easy with the overflowing love my family and friends have been giving me. I was a late bloomer in the sense that i focused on my career at the age of 18 being a TV Sportscaster and only had my first boyfriend at the age of 25. I remember at that time I prayed for two things: a great love life that will sweep me off my feet and an opportunity to see the world. To my surprise, both were given at the same time... I had the time of my life traveling yet it neglected my long distance relationship with my partner. The following year, I agreed to compromise to save the relationship yet it was a test on God again as my partner needed to focus on his career.

Yes, I was Impatient and yes I want things my way --- which gave more damage in my relationship with my family, friends, the people around me and God. From that moment, I stopped and reflected how "timing" played an important role in my life..."In Gods Time" I kept telling myself! 

The next thing I knew, I came back to the center with God and focused on myself. I believe that He was the only person who can make it right for me.  At this point I started loving myself more, making myself fulfilled, happy and overcoming my insecurities. 

The Bible became the food to my heart with this very nice verse:

“Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone – to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God, to a Christian, says, “No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone – with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me – 
with having an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone will you be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with Me – exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing – one that you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things – keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening and learning the things I tell you. You just wait. That’s all.

Don’t be anxious. Don’t worry. Don’t look around at the things others have or that I’ve given them. Don’t look at the things you think you want. You just keep looking off and away up to Me, or you’ll miss what I want to show you.

And then, when you’re ready, I’ll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would dream of. You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready (I am working even at this moment to have both of you ready at the same time), until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I prepared for you, you won’t be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me, and this is the perfect love.

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love, I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me, and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection, and love that I offer you with Myself.

Know that I love you utterly. 
I am God. 
Believe it and be satisfied.”

This helped me rebuild the "Ms. Independent" image I always had.  I recall an incident when I graduated college and had plans of working in NYC but God didn't allow it to happen because His plans for me are better. A year after, I got this once in a lifetime opportunity to travel around the world. True enough, that it was far better to experience the World than to be in NYC.

At this point, I learned to utilize my time of singleness to prepare myself to become a godly spouse, and to work on building and strengthening the most important relationship I’ll ever have: my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Consider the possibility; you may be ready for what God has for you, but somebody else who is going to be involved is not ready yet.

Learn to trust His timing.  Don’t go in a hurry; don’t grow impatient; don’t try to force doors to open.  Don’t try to make things happen in your own strength.  Let God do it His way.

The sad truth is, if you push hard enough, and if you’re so stubborn that you must have things your way, God will sometimes allow you to undertake a project without His blessing or at the wrong time.  The problem with that, of course, is when you start something in your own strength and in you’re own timing, you’re going to have to finish it and maintain it in your own strength. When you let God start something, He’ll finish it for you.  He’ll provide everything you need.

When we try to force open doors and make things happen in our own strength, the end result is a constant strain on us and a drain on our resources.  Life becomes a constant struggle.  Nearly all joy, peace, and victory dwindle from your existence.  That is not a place of contentment and satisfaction.

The lesson here is to be PATIENT and to TRUST his timing. In His time it’s not going to be one second late.  At exactly the right time, God is going to bring the perfect person into your life, and he or she will not be one second late!

Let Go of whats wrong in your life and Let God make things right!

Take this time to focus on yourself and give yourself a chance to grow. 

And always remember in choosing the right person: He/She must love everything you hate about yourself, He/She is proud to be with you, He/She is not afraid to say "Im Sorry" and He/She is ready to grow with you.

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