Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Human Metamorphosis: Fly High!

I used to imagine I knew how some caterpillars become butterflies. I assumed they weave cocoons, sit inside their growing six long legs, four wings, and so on. I figured if I were to cut open a cocoon, I'd find a butterfly-ish caterpillar, or a caterpillar-ish butterfly, depending on how far things had developed. I was wrong. In fact, the first thing caterpillars do in their cocoons is shed their skin, leaving a soft, rubbery chrysalis.

If you've ever been through a major life transition, this may sound familiar. Humans do it, too—not physically but psychologically. All of us will undergo metamorphosis several times during our lives, exchanging one identity to another. You’ve already changed from baby to child to adolescent to adult—obvious, well-known stages in the life cycle. But even after you're all grown up, your identity isn't fixed. You may change marital status, become a parent, switch careers, get sick, or even transform to another gender.

Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis. I don't know if this is emotionally stressful for caterpillars, but for humans it can be hell on wheels. The best way to lessen its distress is to understand the process.

Psychological metamorphosis has four phases. You'll go through these phases, more or less in order, after any major change catalyst (falling in love or breaking up, getting or losing a job, having children, etc.). The tactics for dealing with change depend on the phase you're experiencing. 

Phase 1: Dissolving
The first phase of change is the scariest, particularly since we aren't trained to expect it. It's the point when we drop our identity and are left temporarily formless: person soup. Most people wrestle like crazy to keep their identities from dissolving….The phase when we feel like running into a flurry of "dissolving" experiences. We may feel that everything is falling apart, that we're losing everyone and everything. Dissolving feels like death, because it is—it's the ruin of the person you've been.
When we're dissolving we may get out of control, fight our feelings, try to evoke our former lives, or jump immediately toward some new status quo ("rebound romance" is a classic example). All these measures actually slow down Phase One and make it more painful. Hence, it is better to:

In Phase 1, Live One Day (or 10 minutes) at a Time 
Instead of dwelling on hopes and fears about an unknowable future, focus your attention on whatever is happening right now. 

"Cocoon" by Caring For Yourself in Physical, Immediate Ways 
Wrap yourself in a blanket, make yourself a cup of hot tea, attend an exercise class, whatever feels comforting. 

Talk to Others Who Have Gone Through a Metamorphosis 
If you don't have a wise relative or friend, a therapist can be a source of reassurance. 

Let Yourself Grieve 
Even if you are leaving an unpleasant situation (a bad marriage, a job you didn't like), you'll probably go through the normal human response to any loss: the emotional roller coaster called the grieving process. You'll cycle through denial, anger, sadness, and acceptance many times. Just experiencing these feelings will help them pass more quickly. 

If you think this sounds frustratingly passive, you're right. Dissolving isn't something you do; it's something that happens to you. The closest you'll come to controlling it is relaxing and trusting the process.

Phase 2: Imagining

For those of us who have just a few tiny control issues, Phase 2 is as welcome as rain after drought. This is when the part of you that knows your destiny, the imago in your psyche, will begin giving you instructions about how to reorganize the remnants of your old self into something altogether different. 
You'll know you're beginning Phase 2 when your mind's eye starts considering images of the life you are about to create. These can't be forced—like dissolving, they happen to you—and they are never what you expected. You're becoming a new person, and you'll develop traits and interests your old self didn't have. You may feel compelled to change your hairstyle or wardrobe, or redecorate your living space. The old order simply seems wrong, and you'll begin restructuring your outer situation to reflect your inner rebirth.

Here are some ways you may want to respond when you begin spontaneously imagining the future: 

Cut Out Magazine Pictures You Find Appealing or Interesting 
Glue them onto a piece of butcher paper. The resulting collage will be an illustration of the life you're trying to create. 

Let Yourself Daydream 
Your job is to try out imaginary scenarios until you have a clear picture of your goals and desires. You'll save a lot of time, effort, and grief by giving yourself time to do this in your head before you attempt it in the real world. 

Phase 2 is all about images: making them up, making them clear and making them possible. Moving through this stage, you'll start to feel an impulse to go from dreaming (imagining possibilities) to scheming (planning to bring your vision to fruition). Write down both dreams and schemes and gather information about how you might create them. 

Phase 3: Re-forming
As your dreams become schemes, you'll begin itching to make them come true. This signals Phase 3, the implementation stage of the change process. Phase 3 is when you stop fantasizing about selling your art and start submitting work to galleries, or go beyond ogling a friend's brother to having her set you up on a date. You'll feel motivated to do real, physical things to build a new life. And then...(drum roll, please)'ll fail. Repeatedly.

I've gone through Phase 3 many times and watched a few friends do the same. I've never seen a significant scheme succeed on the first try. Re-forming your life, like anything new, complex, and important, inevitably brings up problems you didn't expect. That's why, in contrast to the starry eyes that are so useful in Phase 2, Phase 3 demands the ingenuity of Thomas Edison and the tenacity of a pit bull.

Expect Things To Go Wrong 
Many of my friends have an early failure and consider this a sign that "it just wasn't meant to be." This is a useful philosophy if you want to spend your life as person soup. To become all that you can be, you must keep working toward your dreams even when your initial efforts are unsuccessful. 

Be Willing to Start Over 
Every time your plans fail, you'll briefly return to Phase 1, feeling lost and confused. This is an opportunity to release some of the illusions that created hitches in your plan. 

Revisit Phase 2 
Adjusting your dreams and schemes to include the truths you've learned from your experimentation. 

Keep debugging and reimplementing your new-and-improved plans until they work. If you've followed all the steps above, they eventually will. 

Phase 4: Flying

Phase 3 is like crawling out of your cocoon and waiting for your crumpled, soggy wings to dry and expand. Phase 4 is the payoff, the time when your new identity is fully formed and able to fly.

The following strategies—which can help you optimize this wonderful situation—are about fine-tuning, not drastic transformation. 

You've just negotiated a scary and dramatic transformation, and you deserve to savor your new identity. Spend time every day focusing on gratitude for your success. 

Make Small Improvements 
Find little ways to make your new life a bit less stressful, a bit more pleasurable. 

Know That Another Change is Just Around the Bend 
There's no way to predict how long you'll stay in Phase 4; maybe days, maybe decades. Don't attribute your happiness to your new identity; security lies in knowing how to deal with metamorphosis, whenever it occurs. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Your Love Life is a Reflection of Your Self Worth

The other day I was interviewed by a woman writing an article for a national woman’s magazine. The premise of the article is to uncover why in this day and age many women continue to struggle in their pursuit of finding love.

During my time with the author I was asked “What is the number one mistake you see women making in their dating and relationships?”
I didn’t have to think about it for even a second. In fact, the author hadn’t even finished asking the question before I was giving her my answer.

“Hands down the biggest problem I see women continually making,” I replied “is that they don’t own their POWER. They don’t realize how truly wonderful and special they are. Because if they did they would never take sh*t from any man, never mind the man they are in a relationship with.”

I know what a huge heart you have. I know that you have a tremendous desire to share that heart with someone special. I know how you will give and give until you can’t give anymore and then still somehow find it in you to give some more.

It is one of the traits I admire most in women. But unfortunately that trait is often your Achilles heel. You are so used to giving and trying to make others happy that you often overlook your own needs.

You forget that YOU ARE IMPORTANT and that in order for you to be truly happy it is essential for you to be in a relationship with a guy who gives as much as he takes.

And herein lies the problem.
You don’t realize that you deserve it. And if you do realize it you don’t act in a way which shows a guy that you do.

I could write an expose for why this is but and the end of the day it comes down to one thing…Your Self Worth!
…Because if you really know how special you were you would never settle. You would never take crap from any man, especially the one you were sharing your life with and more importantly you would realize that you deserve nothing less than the best and you wouldn’t  stay five minutes with a guy who gave you anything less.

Owning your POWER simply means you know how special you truly are. Its knowing you don’t need someone else’s love or approval. Its understanding in every cell of your body that you don’t need a man to complete you and you don’t need a man in order to live happily ever after.
You have to own your POWER first. Because once you do it becomes much easier to find and have the happy and fulfilling relationship you really desire.


…Because you will no longer be working from FEAR.
You see it is fear that causes you take your ex back again and again.
It is FEAR which makes you stay in a relationship when your gut is telling you to run. And it is FEAR which makes you chase a guy when he is clearly showing you that he is not interested.

If you want to know how strong your self-worth and self-esteem is simply take a good look at your life and notice what you see.

Do you set clear boundaries and quickly remove yourself from any man who isn’t continuously making you happy?
Do you take your time and get to know a guy before you open your heart (and your legs)?  Or do you rush in and jump right into things hoping that if you do he will like you more?

You see, you can never have a truly happy and fulfilling relationship if it is based on fear. It’s like building a house on a foundation of sand. It may look good and be functional in the beginning but it will only be a matter of time before it starts sinking and comes crashing down.

Your relationships are merely a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you love and respect yourself you have a relationship which mirrors that.
And when you don’t your relationships will reflect that as well.
You deserve the very best relationship possible but until you own it in your thoughts words and actions you will continue to make it much harder on yourself to have it.

A man can never complete you…but he can complement you.
A man can’t make you happy…but he can make you happier.
As the old saying goes…”you can’t love someone else until you first love yourself.”

Love A Girl Who Blogs

Date a girl who blogs. Date a girl whose hands are smeared with ink from the pen that she loves to write with, but that keeps leaking. She may not have a perfect French manicure because those long nails would always splinter when she spends nights on her computer typing. But with these hands of hers, she has created whole worlds in her writing that she will take you to if you want her to.

Find a girl who blogs. You will spot her by her big eyes looking eagerly at the world, and you will see her stopping and staring at something beautiful, mouth wide open, lost to the world, in awe of something she just experienced. You will feel like you can see cogs turning in her head. That is her thinking about how she could phrase what she just saw so that everyone would be able to feel what she just felt. Maybe she will take out a little dodgy looking notebook with lots of dog-ears and scribble something into it. Maybe she will look up, think, and then sit down in sight of the thing that caught her attention, and repeatedly note down stuff in her book, smiling absent-mindedly.

Date a girl who blogs. She will always find beauty in the things around her because she will always look for something that is incredible. She knows that things are of a greater truth when she can share them with her words. She knows that phrasing her encounters will add a depth to the experience. She knows humility because she has met the boundaries of language and felt the gigantic silence that occurs when the world is too big for an expression, when words can never suffice. Date a girl who blogs because she will know exactly when to speak and when to keep silent.

A girl who blogs will be a girl who reads. She will see storylines in her life and in the lives of others around her, because she has come to know them from her favorite books and wants to put them in writing herself more often than not. Date a girl who wants to see Kafka’s Prague, Joyce’s Dublin and Dickens’ London. She’s the girl who is longing to go to Russia because she wants to see the wide landscapes she holds dear to her heart ever since reading Doktor Zhivago. She’s also the girl who wants to see Colombia because she cried when she read One Hundred Years of Solitude and wants to live the magic that the novel foretold. She even wants to travel to Afghanistan, enchanted by the beauty that the country must once have held and that she’s read about in The Kite Runner.

Date a girl who  blogs. She has been through struggles with herself and knows that conflict is an important part of life both inside of you and with others. She has fought her own wars inside her mind, battling “impressed” versus “in awe”, battling “ecstatic” versus “elated”, battling all shades of colors and all tones of sound that language can express. Date a girl who writes because she will touch all of your senses with language and with her entire being.

Don’t just tell her that she’s beautiful, funny, or smart. Tell her instead that her beauty is that of a red leaf on a golden autumn day being carried by the wind through the streets of a big city. Tell her that she makes you laugh until your tummy hurts. Tell her that her wits make her a female version of Odysseus. Allow her to be part of a creative metaphor. Baffle her with your eloquence. Understand her need for precise vocabulary. Write letters to her. Read her novels and poems. Point out song lyrics that you liked.

Date a girl who blogs. She will always share with you what she thinks it is that makes life worthwhile. She will bring beauty, laughter and depth to your life. She strives for a life that is never boring, and with her, yours won’t be either. Listen to what she has to tell you and I promise, it will be worth your time, if only for the sound of the words that she will carefully choose to make you understand exactly what she is trying to say.

Know that you will never have her for yourself. You will always have to share her with her love for the world, with her passion for life, and with her need to be by herself so that she can form words and stories in her mind without being distracted. She and you will never be exclusive – she will always be in love with places, because they make the setting; with people, because they make characters; and with feelings, because they are what makes everything come alive.

One day you will say something to her, and she will startle, look you in the eye, smile and say “That is beautiful.” If you find what you said scribbled on a post-it note and pinned to the wall above her desk the next day, next to quotes by Hemmingway and Mark Twain, you will know you’ve won her heart.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

7 Destinations-IN-1 Island: BALESIN!

Travel the World in this paradise in Quezon Province, Philippines called Balesin Island.  A destination of unmatched natural beauty, Balesin’s 7.3 km of pristine white sand beaches are only as stunning as its 190 hectares of virgin hardwood forest. Situated 21 kilometers southeast of Polillo, Quezon Province, it is just a 25-minute plane ride from Manila, yet is a world entirely unto itself. Balesin Island Club is your distinctive, members-only, private leisure getaway with 7 themed villages inspired by the most recognized and exclusive worldwide vacation spots of Mykonos, Costa Del Sol, Toscana, St. Tropez (one of my favorite places in the World), Phuket, Bali, and Balesin (which stands for Balete at Asin). 

the island from our plane

Come and join me unravel this eye-catching, Balesin Island…

Prudently deliberated by EcoPlan of Miami, Florida, USA, Balesin Island Club was designed with the environment in total harmony with its innate ambiance. Water harvesting, 80% water recycling, a reverse osmosis plant, on-site eco friendly transportation, organic farming, and alternative sources of energy reduce the amount of waste and ensure sustainable development on this beauty of an island – without scrimping on luxurious, top-notch facilities.

BALESIN stands for Balete at Asin

View from the Clubhouse

As mentioned, each village have its own superbly landscaped pool as well as a specialty restaurant which offers an array of gastronomic delights based on the theme of the village. All the villas are elegantly designed and garlanded, making available a panoramic landscape of the ocean and woodlands.

Balesin Village is your home away home, conveniently situated near the Clubhouse, Spa and Aquatic Sports Center. The Villas in Balesin features the best of Philippine home-grown architecture, craft, and design, combined with a modern twist. Spoil yourself with the exquisite Filipino cuisine, and stroll along the luxurious white sand beach it has to offer.

just love their interior in the clubhouse

Balesin Village Sala

just adore this haven thats why I had to take this shot c",)

beach front villa in Balesin overlooking the very stunning Lamon Bay

Balesin Village has been my favorite in this island considering the picturesque view it has to offer and need I say it houses, Sakura Restaurant where Chef Edo San’s Maki and Sake is  a must try!

Sake or Rice Wine in Japan

Chef Edo San's Maki (drools now...hahaha)

Bali Village is an enchanting community with its sheer natural beauty of its majestic volcanoes, beautiful white-sand beaches and lush terraced rice fields. The Villas represents its well-balanced composition of nature by means of tropical scenery settings, generous open spaces, water element and a patio with wooden decks. Pleasure yourself in stilt villas stretching above the cool waters of Lamon Bay and embrace the feel of villas set in paddies reminiscent of Ubud, Indonesia.

When in Bali

standing at the restaurant door of Bali Village

No one can go wrong in the vision of white and blue in Mykonos Village, where it is a striking paradigm of Cycladic cubic structural design located around a quaint fishing bay. It is to my amazement that this island ranks among the best known and most desirable vacation spot in the world. The Villas itself will give you a taste of Greece, right here in the Philippines. Allowing you to depict white-washed houses, blue windows and doors, winding streets, a Greek café, a sea grotto and rock bar. A magnificent place to watch the sunset at the bars and must try their roasted lamb and super rich chocolate mousse (drools now…haha)

roasted lamb, greek salad and their super rich chocolate mousse 

Mykonos Restaurant

Greecian Inspired Village in Balesin

The “Pearl of the South”, a phrase justified by the large quantity of powdery white beaches, limestone cliffs, and crystalline, blue-green waters. Located on the southernmost part of the island, the Village is fitted with exotic villas fronted by a white sand beach or overlooking picturesque rugged cliffs above the sea

Costa Del Sol
Check out the South of Spain thru Costa del Sol Village. This is a world-renowned tourist spot, known as the "Sun Coast” and a sure spot where tycoons, aristocrats and film stars come to play and relax.  Live through the laid-back Southern Spanish charm through their Villas as you kick up your heels on the lovely white sand beach fronting it.  Must try their impressive Seafood Paella (good for 3 to 6 pax but the prices at any restaurant in the island is very reasonable… cheaper than some of the hotels in Manila)

inside Alhambra, one of their wine lounge area in Costa Del Sol

Saint Tropez
So good to be real, Saint Tropez remains to be my favorite destination in the World. Identified as a playing field for the affluent and Hollywood elite, St.Tropez is surrounded by white sandy beaches and enjoys a dazzling sunny climate. The Village is just stunning in colors combined with its impeccable service that makes a stay at this place truly etched in your mind. Patterned like a boutique hotel, the suites are stirred by the legendary Hotel Byblos. Bask in with your own private French Riviera and enjoy an authentic experience at our crêperie. One must try their duck confit, crepes and their classic French mussels in white wine sauce.

i want my office like this c",) with the comforts of wearing slippers :)

Heading to Italy's west coast, stands one of the world's most trendy vacation destination. Still under construction during my visit but will surely bring romantic Tuscany to life. Expect the Village to offer you its finest Italian Gastronomy such as the Trattoria, where authentic Tuscan dishes will be served using the freshest ingredients.

Here’s a list of Amenities around Balesin Island (taken from their website)
Main Floor
o 7 Two-Bedroom Unit Clubhouse Suites
o Reception
o Coral Bar
o The Clubhouse Lounge
o The Balesin Dining Room
o The Veranda
o Private Dining Rooms (Michelle's and Hannah's)
o Sakura Japanese Restaurant
o The Conference Room
o Viewdeck
o Balesin Sunset Sweets
o Balesin Music Lounge
Ground Floor
o Billiards and Table Tennis (Game Room)
o Joanna's Shop (Souvenirs and Sundries)
o E.L. Tordesillas Library
o Tabacalera Cigar Divan
o KTV Rooms (Mike's and Rannie's)
o Mahjong and Poker Rooms
o Function Rooms
o Salon and Barber Shop
o Internet Gaming/Business Center
o Wii© Room
o Locker Rooms (Male, Female & Children)
o Children's Indoor Playroom

o Lounge Pool
o 3 Outdoor Whirlpools
o Kiddie Pool
o Bars for Lounge Pool and Kiddie Pool
o Private Beach Cabanas
o Aquatic Sports Center

o Spa Suites
o Spa Pool
o Sauna
o Steam Bath
Specialty Restaurants
o Greek
o Thai
o Italian
o French
o Spanish
o Indonesian
o Filipino
o Japanese
o Seafood

o Catfish
o Bivalves
o Green Mud Crab
o Grouper
o Lobsters
o Milkfish

o Organic Gardens
o Herb/Medicinal Garden
o Vermiculture

o Basketball Court
o Tennis Court
o Badminton Courts
o Fully Equipped Gym
o Airsoft Target Shooting Range
o Rock Climbing Wall

o Basketball Court
o Tennis Court
o Paintball Shooting/War Games
o Golf Driving Range and Putting Green
o Archery Range
o Mountain Biking

o Windsurfing
o Sailing
o Waterskiing and Wakeboarding
o Snorkeling
o Kayaking
o Stand-up Paddle Boarding
o Deep Sea Fishing
o Boat Rental

o Island Trail Ride
o Bullring
o Calesa Rides
o Horse Stables & Paddock

Balesin Spa

Balesin Spa Lobby

horse back riding by the beach

I couldn’t have enjoyed my trip to Balesin if not for these people who made me experience a holiday 180degrees from the ordinary: Debbie (Reservations Manager in Hangar Airport), Captain Joe (our pilot), Dadsie (Activities Director), Pipoy (who toured us around the island <<<I was just humbled that these brothers, Dadsie and Pipoy chooses to stay in this island despite being hacienderos>>>), the entire Activities Department, Vanessa (Manager of St Tropez Village), Cesar (Dining Room Manager of Costa Del Sol), Joy (F&B Staff at the Clubhouse), Alex (Dining Room Manager of Mykonos), Marco Diaz and the entire Balesin Staffs (sorry for those I forgot to mention their names… let me know and ill add you up on this blog… haha) 

These and more that Balesin has to offer and isn’t it just the perfect escape to everything and everyone?! There's so much photos to share but I hope this is enough for now as ill leave the rest to your imagination. 

Seeing Balesin makes me more certain that I live in the most exquisite country on the planet!  Undeniably beyond “fun and wow” not only for the place itself but for the exceptional staffs who delivers excellent service at all times!