Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending the Year 2012 with a Leap of Faith! (",)

Year 2012 has turned out to be my nightmare .... yet this year has taught me more about MYSELF. Things I never taught I can be and I will be because of the situations that God has allowed me to experience. 

This year I've learned:

1. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to Disagree. I have learned that sometimes its better to apologize than to be always right and fight. Its not a weakness, rather than it is a sign that you are more understanding than someone else.

2. Silence the Mind. This way it gives you time to think before saying or doing something. Peace of Mind is the best gift you can ever give to yourself because in doing so you can accomplish many things more efficiently and effectively.

3. Don't compare yourself with other because you don't have any idea what their journey is all about. God gives us different challenges depending on what we need to improve and realize for ourselves.

4. Embrace Brokenness. Everyone has been broken and has experienced pain. The best remedy is to go back to the center with God and submit to him your broken heart and trust that in His time He will give you a new heart that's fulfilled and more spirited.

5. Let Go. Just keep loving and when its not for you, you have to learn to let it go. Don't push yourself to something you are not welcomed because it gives more frustrations to yourself. 

6. Love yourself. Make yourself happy and fulfilled before you can finally share it with someone. Find yourself and find your balance.

7.  and to Believe in Miracles.... every thing and every one changes.... but if you have that strong Faith in God, He will reward you with something far better you wished for.

This 2012 has made me realized that despite the trials I had to face, I was never alone on it...I had Gods grace with me all along. I chose to fight for something that wasn't given to me yet I knew in myself that I did a good fight. I was scared the entire year and the greatest lesson was to JUMP INTO THE LEAP OF FAITH. LET GO and LET LIFE HAPPEN! Trust Gods will and let Him bring you life's surprises. 

When I look back on my life, I see pain, mistakes and heart ache. When I look in the mirror, I see strength, learned lessons, and pride in MYSELF.

Cheers to a Better, Bigger, Brighter 2013 Everyone!

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