Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Power of Being a Smart Woman

Being a Smart Woman means more than merely having an immense intellect. She is savvy and responsive and progress through her life with power and grace. She has an internal compass to direct her. How many of these traits are you willing to obtain and embrace as your own? 

1. A Smart Woman knows she has the power to create her life the way she wants. She does not rely on other people to get her needs met. She knows her self-esteem comes from within.

2. A Smart Woman acknowledges that she is a spiritual being on a human journey. She knows she is connected to a power greater than herself. She contributes her energy to the betterment of the planet.

3. A Smart Woman is in constant motion towards well-being. She resolves her unfinished business. She is committed to her physical and emotional health.

4. A Smart Woman seeks understanding and alignment with her higher purpose. She embraces and expresses her authenticity. She knows that she has value and worth.

5. A Smart Woman minds her own business. She doesn’t gossip. She doesn’t get emotionally invested in the decisions/choices others make.

6. A Smart Woman has a private profile and a public profile. She has clear boundaries around sharing her personal details. She trusts the people she lets into her private profile.

7. A Smart Woman accepts that making mistakes is human. She admits her mistakes as soon as she makes them and moves on. She does not apologize when she is not wrong.

8. A Smart Woman radiates personal power. She makes her choices and decisions from a place of power. If she does lose her balance, she easily regains it through her sense of self.

9. A Smart Woman knows that looking after herself: ‘being selfish’, isn’t a bad thing. She knows that everyone benefits when she is healthy and well She understands that she can’t give what she doesn’t have herself.

10. A Smart Woman seeks balance in all areas of her life. She is aware of her work to home balance. She is committed to taking excellent care of herself in all respects.

11. A Smart woman has excellent social skills. She is comfortable representing herself in a professional manner. She conducts herself with power and grace.

12. A Smart Woman surrounds herself with positive energy. She chooses empowering and supportive friends. She seeks a career that affirms her passions, skills and intelligence.

13.A Smart Woman trusts her inner self and her instincts. She doesn’t play little so some one else can feel big. She affirms her intelligence, skills and creativity and does not hide these qualities.

14. A Smart Woman asks for help when she needs it. She humbly acknowledges her need for support. She is ready and willing to offer her support when appropriate.

15. A Smart Woman knows that she is a work in progress. She knows that ‘perfect’ is an illusion She knows that ’she will never finish growing and she will never get everything perfect.

So, there you have it. Can you affirm that you are a Smart Woman? Take a moment now to feel good about your worth, your competence, your Woman Smarts. Because being a Woman is Power!

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